Covid-19 oil and gas health and safety
High Pressure Cleaning with Personal Protective Equipment

Personalised protective equipment in the chemical industry – will oil workers be wearing similar protection during the COVID-19 pandemic? CREDIT: Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas
A doctor wearing personal protective equipment for treating patients with COVID-19

Doctor in the UK protected against COVID-19 – energy workers will want similar health guarantees as the industry gets back to work. CREDIT: Dr Javed Anees
Helicopter oil rig

Helicopter lands on oil rig off Long Beach, California – keeping oil workers socially distanced in a cramped helicopter is a special challenge for oil companies. CREDIT: USA Navy
Oil workers together

Oil and gas workers work closely together – making social distancing tough. CREDIT: USEPA
Oil workers together

Oil and gas workers work closely together physically – making social distancing tough. CREDIT: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health